Sunday, January 4, 2009

Perspectives from Uma and Kin

Since this is my first blog, I have so many topics worth sharing that I am not sure which subject to start with. President-elect Obama's inaugural is a topic everyone is discussing. Bin Laden is still in the news. Bank and big business failures are also subjects much bandied about. The economic situation in the United States and worldwide is so depressing that it also is very prevalent in papers all over the world. What is a sane person to do when only glum and foreboding news is to be had?

Well, people can always turn to sports (the Giants are still in it!!) or travel (Hawaii, the Caribbean and Tahiti are places I would like to visit often) or be happy that he/she still has a job when every other person seems to be unemployed. But of all the choices a person has for getting away from all these unpleasant subjects, travel is most preferable. When a person travels, all cares are left behind. People are usually too engrossed in their travel plans or too worried about their luggage or itinerary to be thinking about anything else. And, if they are like me, I make it a point to eschew newspapers and TV news while enjoying my vacation. Of course, I come back to earth when I return home. But that fleeting moment (days, weeks or months), I do enjoy immensely.

How do you feel about travel as a panacea for depression? Does it really ameliorate the angst and unpleasantness a person feels or is it just a temporary form of escape? Let me know so we can compare notes.

My next blog will deal with different places I would like to visit - exotic, quaint places that are not the usual travel destinations. I will take a look at the different languages, culture and people we might meet. You might be surprised at the languages spoken in various parts of the world. So to all, a vicarious bon voyage till we "meet" again.

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